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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Combined version Attribution Theory, classroom model eg. teacher's overt nonverbal behavior, Future Behaviors can be shown by choices, locus of causality can be internal to actor (ie. ability), Properties are locus of causality, Properties consists of Attribtions (Causal inferences), Attributional Models lead to self-fulfillment, Attribtions (Causal inferences) can be related to past history of success, Nature of Causal Inferences can be due to environmental factors, Attribtions (Causal inferences) can be related to luck, self-efficacy involve Expectancy for future behavior, Properties affects Emotional Reactions, stability influences Expectancy for future behavior, Bernard Weiner's Theory consists of Emotional Reactions, controlability can be uncontrolled by person, effort can be related to task difficulty, future behavior is determined by perceived causal prior outcome is influenced by people's belief system, Affective states can be Negative (ie.Resignation), Emotional Reactions form Attributional Models, effort can be related to ability, student characteristics eg. predispositions